In the world in which Game of Thrones takes place, the fictional land of Westeros is ruled over by the “King of the Andals First Men.” This monarch, seated on the Iron Throne, reigns over the territories known as the Seven Kingdoms. Game of Thrones ended in 2019, and with it ended a story that had captured imaginations around the world for its scope, breadth, and depth of mythology. It probably didn’t hurt that there were frequent and steamy scenes of intimacy between the beautiful and very in shape members of the cast.
Everything about the series was a massive draw for viewers – the writing, the acting, the directing, the special effects, everything was expertly crafted with no expense spared. Game of Thrones quickly became an international phenomenon, breaking records and becoming the “must-see” series of the decade.
Martin’s popular A Song of Ice and Fire book series, the production giant created an epic fantasy series unlike any that had been done before.
In 2011, production company and broadcaster HBO embarked on an endeavour that would change the landscape of broadcast television.