A separate prompt appears when Dogmeat has found something. Dogmeat helps the player find loot in buildings, alerting them to items found in the area.
Interactions with the player character Interactions overview Although a free spirit, Dogmeat chooses his friends and stays with them through thick and thin if the need be. Dogmeat's canine intelligence helped him home in on the Sole Survivor at the Red Rocket truck stop, joining them. He took an instant liking to Mama Murphy, who sent him out to get help in Sanctuary Hills, west of Concord. In recent weeks, Dogmeat joined the group of survivors from the Quincy Massacre. Nick Valentine has worked with Dogmeat several times in the past and owns a dog whistle to call upon him when he needs his tracking skills.
He doesn't really have an owner, but is always ready to help out people in need.